GRAPHIC AND PHOTOGRAPHIC WORKS (adapted by author for use in this project)


This is an image of the letter G and a detailed anatomy of itsits typographic features.

This is a photographs of typed words in a wavy pattern on a page.

This is an image of writing on an organge page with paint splotches obscuring various parts of the page.

This is an image of a woman in profile in various shades of purple.

This is an image of a woven pattern in bright orange.

This is an image of a graffiti detail in blue and green on a brick wall.

This is a photographic image of a graffiti detail in purple, white, blue, and black.

This is a photographic image of a graffiti detail in red, black, blue, white, and yellow on a brick wall.

This is an abstract image of black cross-hatching, orange lines, and a yellow patch on a turquoise background.



AmoKath (2010) “The Characteristics of a Typeface (for widescreen displays)” <>.

Crumpart (2010) “Flow of words”

Miscellaneaarts (2010) “Prompt 1 (page in progress)” <>.

Miscellaneaarts (2010) Prompt 9 (work in progress) <>.

Ram Yoga (2010) “Pattern in a Square Crop

Retinafunk (2006) “grafitti detail texture study- Düsseldorf” <>.

Retinafunk (2006) “grafitti detail texture Düsseldorf” <>

Retinafunk (2006) “grafitti detail texture Study Düsseldorf” <>.

Yan Basque (2009) “seven” <>.